Wednesday, August 24, 2022

                          About Damn Time


So as with all the plans, someone makes it easy to get lost,
been trying to make sense of it all to no avail, but have found that things are going in the right direction. well as for now, I hope so ??

Friday, August 12, 2022


                                        Things A Miss 

Lately been doing a lot of thinking and I tend to overthink everything so this shouldn't be a big surprise. To me, it seems my issues have affected some people I deal with, and then again some are still pushing their issues on me. So how this plays out is still in the works but will ride till I get to where I'm going.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

                    A Journey through Obstacles

    So with every task, there is someone or something that will be in your way as is so my little episodes will be questioned and vocalized as if I'm doing it all wrong and everyone knows how to do it better in which most cases if they are succeeding then they most likely are doing it better.

Monday, August 1, 2022

 Well been a while since been here but I think I need to talk. I work hard and then work on other projects when I'm done, seems fun at times then again I hit a wall and now it's more like work than a passion for learning something new. I know I can make it work but will have to go through the basics ... still it will take time to restore my efforts back to where they were, I know I have a lot to figure out and was learning more as I could understand what was being said and how they were using it., funny how I would listen to people talk technical and not understand most of what was being said to now I'm picking up on the meaning behind most of it, but still can sit and listen to them talk and find myself trying to figure out what is being said. It will come to me sooner or later but this journey has many roads so I'll keep walking to the path less traveled and maybe will end up on the expressway to achieve my goals.. So this was meant for me to express myself and only that I'm not putting means behind any of this it's just therapy for me to tell myself what I'm doing and as you can see haven't been here in a long while...

Sunday, July 3, 2016

What happen when I have to much time on my hands

OK, was thinking about some weird stuff like living in a world that had been or has ended itself before with energy from the ether so they figure that if you create energy from the sun the wind and waves you are not taking it from the earth but adding it to the planet which, we seem not to know that no matter how we twist this world around it will be here billions of years after we are long gone so maybe we should use what we have and work with the planet and maybe it will let us hang on for a few more thousand years.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

a new day

Not much into drawing but a while back was trying to make a tarot deck just for myself which thought of making this the back cover which never got off the ground but still working on the deck just not the way I had planned, am now trying my camera which even the one on my phone will work but not for the back but each car could have one just that goes with each card. may work out or not still not sure. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A little reflection

Been pushing my thoughts to make things go the way I think they should go, I guess I'm not the type of person to let it fall apart without at least trying to make it better I seldom make things better maybe I make it worst but the effort isn't lost with not trying to let life be the best I can make it even in the bad time and against the odd... I'm not the best but I damn ain't the worst out there, so here's hoping I can enjoy life instead of just being part of it.