Monday, June 25, 2012

So it get better bit by bit

It's been couple of weeks now and I'm kind of off the wall as what to do since in one way am going to be so so and the other way will have to work things out for others not just me. Still casual is the best I can hope for since if it goes more than that I'll have not only the people around me upset but my past and present will bang heads and that is not what I'm in this for so when it comes to that will have to change the outcome.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Well it's been a fun couple of days but now it's over and back to the real world of nothing to do and no one to do it with, I did find some one but i believe like all other things she will want that control and which to me is just something i understand but don't care for so will maybe have to go at on my own for a while longer ....