Monday, November 9, 2015

I may be, just not sure where I am?

I know I need to do this, I'm having a bit of a control issue where I think I'm making things better but I see I haven't done anything and if my work is any indication I'm at a stand still I always was very patient, but how do you do nothing when nothing is what is staring you in the face. I want to write but my thoughts are jumbled at the moment and Like I was saying before it so very hard to write without a muse, I know I can but I have to find my way back to that open kind of thought.As I write this I feel the flow coming back and with every word one more sign of life returns, so this may not read as something special but to me, I'll apologize for rambling but, I been misplaced for a while and now am finding my way back so just putting this out there is good for me.

Monday, November 2, 2015

One More Day

That what I think every body wants went someone they have loved and still do love is gone, you know you'll miss them but you really just want spend another day with them, I've always just enjoyed the company of certian people. Would aways bring a smile to a dim world.