Friday, January 16, 2009

Feeling All Alone

Is this what I have to look foward too. Waiting not knowing whats going to happen next. Though this is not me in the picture, I see me many time over with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company even when am in room full of people. I don't say this to be pitied but more so that it's not in my head eating away at me wondering what I should do about it. I have schemes and plans but am up there in years and for me to just now begin anew is not really practical so not even knowing where to begin. Maybe I've said to much or maybe they have already won and I just waiting for the end, I hope not but as my life has been it may not be far from the truth which is another word that doesn't seem to hold up in my life. I see now that I haven't played the game right when they were robbing and stealing from me anything even my thoughts I was just helping them anyway I could and now they are skilled at the art of deception and I am just learning this is the way they are...
So this I say for I'm not finished yet and may never win at this game, but there is a simple saying that holds true even in this, "I've done so much with so little that now I can do almost anything with next to nothing ."

1 comment:

Stranger. said...

Yes, just let them roll ... =]