Friday, December 3, 2010

Well It's been awhile since I've been here and posted anything, really I've been lost in my mind so since I'm back and really need some thing to do I'm going to write short stories, The first one is The Other Me
It started about a month ago when I was sitting waiting for my bus to take me home from Canada I had made it as far as Chicago Illinois when the bus stopped for a hour break and everyone had to get off the bus. I was hungry and tired so walked down the street to a bar/cafe and order some food, it was only about 4pm so wasn't much happening a few cute girls walked by and had the cute barmaids. After i finished i walked outside and still had about half an hour before the Bus left so sat on a curb next to the Bus station and was looking at some train tracks when I heard a trian coming so watching the train pass by I noticed someone walking next to the tracks so focusing in on him because there wasn't any one there a moment ago. He had just appeared, but then i noticed something else I was looking at a girl walking down the sidewalk, but something was different there was like a ghost shape of the same girl looking in the window of the shops. It was like she was in a hurry but the ghost girl had time to look at everything as she rushed by, the ghost girl never got to far away but never focused on where they were going just on everything around, it was almost like she was being pulled along but was taking in everything that the girl in a hurry wanted to do but didn't have time for.

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